The idea behind the project Acapulco is to comment on the nature of people, as well as their relationship to space, and its social and political implications. By photographing the historic city of Acapulco (once the most important shipping and commercial port in Latin America), I am not only trying to express a personal point of view, but also trying to play a part in the visual history of the city (Acapulco has been probably the most photographed city after Mexico D.F.). Going back and forth between the original paradisicac conception of Acapulco, in the 40's and 50's, to its present reality of overpopulation and extreme social disparity, I intended to shoot the landscapes that could better portray what I believe to be the essence of this contemporary city, as well as its everyday-growing lack of distinctiveness: the luxurious hotels’ ongoing effort to maquette their buildings into “paradisiac” conceptions of the tourist desire, or the overwhelming imagery of signs, advertisement, etc. which ends up being part of the city’s already anonymous architecture.

Bahía de Acapulco I, Acapulco, 2009. Pigment Print. 140 x 140 cm. (55 x 55 in.)